61.  After months of losing traffic, Viacom Decided to match the price cuts.

62.  After months of negotiation, an agreement was finally reached.

63.  After months of negotiations, he eventually persuaded them to sign a peace treaty.

64.  After months of overworking, Briggs was suffering from mental and physical exhaustion.

65.  After months of planning and anticipation, the Florida trip was kind of a letdown.

66.  After months of planning, we were finally ready to roll.

67.  After months of teetering on the brink, David Reed has filed for protection from his creditors.

68.  After months of travel, we were at last homeward bound.

69.  After months of waiting, it was hardly love at first sight, he admits.

70.  After months trying to sell the farm, they Decided to put it up for auction.

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