51.  Accident investigations often take months.

52.  According to this, Mr Collingridge has never paid for the literature service, this month or any month.

53.  Additional disk space is a dollar or two per megabyte per month, depending on total amount.

54.  After a couple of months, the Sioux turned around and came back west without permission.

55.  After a damning internal report this month on conditions at Brixton prison both admitted that the service was institutionally racist.

56.  After a few months, it became apparent that Vicky did not have a genuine interest in her job.

57.  After a month, he called to make sure they had received his invoice.

58.  After being pleasant about it for some months, I had finally threatened him with legal action.

59.  After months in hospital he went on to attend Ohio State University.

60.  After months of campaigning, local parents have persuaded the council to provide a school bus service.

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