1.  - a thorn bush for the editor to hide in.

2.  A better method is to measure the time taken for the full code to be read in.

3.  A big pink blob of a face was at the window, peering in at him.

4.  A boy called Red, the crew chief for this ship, helped me strap in on the right side.

5.  A breeze blows the white curtains in on either side of her, two ghostly arms embracing her.

6.  A broken toaster and sev-eral ripped window shades were crammed in near a cracked welding gun and a rotting fence post.

7.  A closed loop that some one can catch their foot in and trip is one of the most frequent causes of industrial accidents.

8.  A draft of cool air seeping in around my feet and calves.

9.  A few fans had already started to trickle in.

10.  A frequent comment of observers about a prisoner in for a serious offence like murder is that he shows no remorse.

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