41.  Although you are in a seemingly hopeless situation, keep thinking and get your priorities right.

42.  An assessment was made of the numbers and species of animals caught and killed by cats in and around this particular village.

43.  An outside linebacker, Abe enjoys the position because he can be in on every play, pass or run.

44.  And even that, because I impose it on myself, I can take a sort of Calvinist pleasure in.

45.  And he is the genuine article, an original who succeeds in looking ahead by looking way back.

46.  And if I made Joanne stay in, she would be so miserable, that it would make the baby miserable.

47.  And it is our experience that successful entrepreneurs quickly develop a finely tuned instinct for investing their time in high-profit opportunities.

48.  And now, thought Doug morosely as he drove back in to town, comes the exciting part, writing the report.

49.  And that very excess of safety inspired some bright Vadinamians in to a galaxy-class piece of lateral thinking.

50.  Another difference is that the polyps of leather corals have eight tentacles, rather than the six found in hard coral polyps.

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