51.  Another is fast, world-wide commerce, giving the individual company a more flexible and uncertain Market to compete in.

52.  Another key aspect of the new courses has been the building in of planned linkages to degree provision.

53.  Another, presumably later, inhumation cemetery lay in and around the southern boundary ditch at its Ryknild Street end.

54.  Any struggle rooted in politicized and grass-roots mobilization is bound to overshadow even the most earnest efforts of politically inhibited endeavors.

55.  Apparently a lorry carrying a rubbish skip was hi-jacked in nearby Pomeroy several hours ago and the driver held at gunpoint.

56.  As an accurate observer of, and extensive traveller in, a virtually unknown land he was unrivalled.

57.  As before this simply tells you in which direction to move the lace carriage to transfer the selected stitches.

58.  As darkness falls the immortal sounds of John Hurley will be heard in the upstairs Bar.

59.  As expected, Paul Parker of Manchester United has been drafted in.

60.  As he always did, Graham opened the passenger door for his wife and closed it once she was in.

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