61.   Denmark included its social security surplus to offset its total public debt, an accounting technique which the commission said was incompatible with the ESEA.

62.   Defense attorneys argue the brothers shot their parents in fear after years of abuse, which they say included sexual molestation of both siblings by the father.

63.   Despite a year of emotional turmoil, which he said actually began with the bonfire tragedy last November, Gamble has held up well on the field.

64.   Dunham has long called for an end to unilateral sanctions, which he said only block U.S.-based energy companies from competing internationally.

65.   Dunnellon Democrat Karen Thurman asks the Rules Committee to change the new Medicaid funding formula which she says will hurt Florida.

66.   English hopes to get corporate sponsorship for the computer project, which she said had attracted the interest of historians nationwide and in Canada.

67.   Excavations in Henan Province at Erlitou, which scholars say in a new report was the capital during the little-known Xia Dynasty.

68.   Feltenstein is working on the rights for some of them, but he declined to say which.

69.   Gonzales said he had talked to one set of parents of the accused boys, but declined to say which.

70.   Gold said labor hoped to defeat some of those provisions, which he said interfered with free speech.

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anything 4.56%
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