21.   And last month Americans voted a Republican majority into Congress, which these professors say hints at a desire for a more conservative, less tolerant society.

22.   And the Japanese eventually developed their aversion to numerical targets, which they say were informal goals the U.S. side twisted into ironclad promises.

23.   Antonucci argues that a three year limit would put pressure on schools to teach children to learn English, which he said is the goal of bilingual education.

24.   As proof, Babcock cited a protest letter written by a Gregg County sheriff which she said contained inaccuracies.

25.   Aside from the charge at Eagle Star, which B.A.T said was recommended by advisers to cap claims, both sides of its businesses grew steadily.

26.   At Dartmouth, Bernstein joined a cell of the Young Communist League, which he says never had more than four members.

27.   At a small corner house in the Northeast area where he now is staying, Arzaga recalled the events which he said still give him bad dreams.

28.   At the same time, he has expressed doubts about the shock-therapy prescriptions of the IMF, which he says have done nothing to strengthen the rupiah.

29.   At the front desk, the team members left a clay doll, which they said was their guardian angel.

30.   Because he took out a loan to buy disability insurance, which the NCAA said is fine.

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say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
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something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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