1.   In order to get along in a world which is controlled by outsiders and Westerners, you need to get that certificate.

2.   Numerous firms competed to supply Markets at prices which none controlled.

3.   Preparing both training and test input files will not depend on historical data sets, which are usually controlled by some one else.

4.   She won approval anyway in the full Senate, which was then controlled by Democrats.

5.   The axiom states that a population not represented in a parliament can not share a government which that parliament controls.

6.   The stepping rate is fixed by a constant frequency clock, which is controlled by a one-bit signal from the microprocessor.

7.   Police forces, which were controlled by individual communes, would be reinforced and co-ordination improved, and police recruitment would aim to attract north Africans.

8.   We continue to explore alternative ways of managing our operations more effectively and generating better returns on the residential landholdings which we control.

9.   Theories of automatic processing assume that processes which were initially controlled can often be converted into automatic ones with sufficient practice.

10.   Users may regard the computer department as having too great powers, and controlling other departments which were previously controlled by people within the user department.

v. + which >>共 1125
use 3.87%
base 2.34%
do 1.75%
call 1.43%
own 1.38%
hold 1.37%
say 1.34%
see 1.11%
control 1.01%
make 0.94%
control + r. >>共 47
which 24.46%
it 20.63%
that 10.99%
they 10.65%
much 7.85%
half 4.36%
everything 3.68%
he 3.68%
all 2.52%
she 1.36%
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