11.   Mr Rifkind was opening a two day defence debate which Labour said was being rushed through before cuts in next months budget.

12.   Many are becoming increasingly desperate and turning their frustration on humanitarian organizations, which they say are not doing enough to help them.

13.   Unfortunately, it was poorly supported by Surrey Teachers which was said.

14.   Mr Reagan says he cannot recollect many of the key events surrounding the scandal, which he says was as much news to him as everyone else.

15.   Allison, of Clearlake, Calif., has denied selling any drugs, which he said belonged to Biddle.

16.   American Century employs teams of managers to run its funds, which it says helps limit the blow when managers quit.

17.   AMR today disclosed plans for a partial public sale of its Sabre computer business, which analysts say probably is worth more than American Airlines.

18.   Analyst Jay Meltzer said some retailers fell short of their sales expectations, which he said was of some concern.

19.   And Cherry said he and his firm will concentrate on bringing a second Cup date to TMS, which he said left him in awe.

20.   And she demonstrates a genuine, slapdash feel for comic timing, which cannot be said of most of the cast.

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anything 4.56%
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