61.   I took my cue from her, surviving the eulogy by neatly disconnecting myself from what was said.

62.   I want to know who says what.

63.   I would dearly like to know what she said.

64.   If a composer remembers to keep this audience entertained, think what he can say to them all at the same time.

65.   If a friend gave you this list of reasons why they could not love themselves, what would you say?

66.   If the child believes in what she is saying, she will carry conviction.

67.   In her article she twisted the meaning of what I said.

68.   In reply, I asked if he had heard or seen any tapes of what I had said in public statements.

69.   In view of what you said, did you consider the use of night sticks on the heads of demonstrators hospitable?

v. + what >>共 330
do 26.27%
say 7.82%
mean 4.93%
see 4.49%
call 4.39%
think 4.08%
want 3.20%
know 3.14%
expect 2.45%
have 2.11%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
每页显示:    共 3913