31.   He could hardly keep his mind on what she was saying.

32.   He gives no detail at all of what he said.

33.   He had been caring for a stroke patient who seemed to understand much of what was said to him.

34.   He had heard the phone ring but did not listen to what was said.

35.   He knew the inflections and the pauses, knew what she would say, word for word, before she spoke.

36.   He pinched some out and cleaned it on a crumpled paper bag, not knowing what to say.

37.   He raked his fingers through his hair, as if debating what to say next, and she followed the movement.

38.   He refused to go into detail about what they had said at the meeting.

39.   He seemed to have not the slightest interest in what she was saying.

40.   He sounded coherent, but he was too ill to have any idea what he was saying.

v. + what >>共 330
do 26.27%
say 7.82%
mean 4.93%
see 4.49%
call 4.39%
think 4.08%
want 3.20%
know 3.14%
expect 2.45%
have 2.11%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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