51.   He still can appeal to the Privy Council in London, the highest court of appeal in the former British colony.

52.   However, Anwar said, those who felt that they are denied the right to contest because they were charged in court can still appeal to the relevant authority.

53.   If Ohlund is banned, he could still appeal to the IIHF council.

54.   It still can be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals.

55.   It was not clear if Dailide could still appeal the deportation.

56.   Lal can still appeal to the Supreme Court.

57.   Lawyers for both parties are reviewing the case, which still could be appealed to the Supreme Court.

58.   Lintong argued that the by-verdict was issued because it was unfair that Bank Jakarta had to stay closed while it was still appealing its closure in court.

59.   One case is still being appealed.

60.   Rabin emphasized that the confiscation can still be appealed by landowners, said Education Minister Amnon Rubinstein, also of Meretz.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
still + v. >>共 866
have 10.08%
be 5.85%
need 1.83%
hold 1.67%
try 1.49%
face 1.31%
look 1.14%
live 1.11%
go 1.09%
want 1.02%
appeal 0.07%
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