1.   A qualified pilot would still need a conversion course to fly microlight aircraft.

2.   And he has learned he still needs to go out to lunch occasionally, just to feel part of the business world.

3.   But an extra pair of hands is still needed, especially during busy periods.

4.   But there are areas of fraud which still need to be tackled, such as the complicated matter of Deceiving a machine.

5.   But you still need to prepare.

6.   Decisions still need to be made about some fundamental issues.

7.   Designworks is an economical package but you still need a reasonably powerful machine to run any drawing package.

8.   Do you still need volunteers to help clean up after the party?

d. + need >>共 281
also 12.25%
still 12.24%
really 6.13%
desperately 5.54%
just 4.42%
now 3.92%
badly 3.22%
more 2.81%
most 2.50%
only 2.30%
still + v. >>共 866
have 10.08%
be 5.85%
need 1.83%
hold 1.67%
try 1.49%
face 1.31%
look 1.14%
live 1.11%
go 1.09%
want 1.02%
每页显示:    共 2115