41.   But she cautioned Skase could still appeal and past experience had shown he was likely to use legal avenues to challenge the order.

42.   But the government and states might still appeal to the Supreme Court, try to negotiate a settlement or go back to the lower court to seek new penalties.

43.   Carrard said the gymnast could still appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

44.   CITEL still could appeal to the United Kingdom Privy Council, but such a step is rare.

45.   CITEL still could appeal to the United Kingdon Privy Council, but such a step is rare.

46.   Even then, the plan can still be appealed by anyone who disagrees with it.

47.   Gorospe said Mrs. Marcos still can appeal the decision within five days before the full seven-member election commission.

48.   He can still appeal to the Supreme Court.

49.   He said the findings of the hearing, conducted by the Snow Sports New Zealand disciplinary committee in late November, could still be appealed.

50.   He still can appeal for clemency to President Tran Duc Luong, or he will face a firing squad.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
still + v. >>共 866
have 10.08%
be 5.85%
need 1.83%
hold 1.67%
try 1.49%
face 1.31%
look 1.14%
live 1.11%
go 1.09%
want 1.02%
appeal 0.07%
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