1.   Although homosexuality is no longer against the law, homosexuals still face a good deal of criticism and stigma.

2.   Black graduates still face discrimination from employers, according to an official report.

3.   Even if returns improve, the pension system still faces serious problems.

4.   Even if the government survives this crisis, they still face enormous problems.

5.   He still faced the thorny problem of finding a way out of the Jungle.

6.   He still faces charges of theft and conspiracy to defraud.

7.   However, Hatton still faces two charges of conspiring to defraud the local authority.

8.   Northern governments could help by removing the huge trade barriers that the country still faces.

9.   San Francisco, although it has done better than many cities at providing preschool options for poorer children, still faces disparities.

10.   She still faces further surgery to repair her eyelids, which we re partially destroyed and do not fully close.

d. + face >>共 367
also 27.82%
still 16.21%
now 12.51%
where 3.53%
when 2.36%
never 2.23%
already 1.99%
next 1.55%
then 1.23%
ever 1.23%
still + v. >>共 866
have 10.08%
be 5.85%
need 1.83%
hold 1.67%
try 1.49%
face 1.31%
look 1.14%
live 1.11%
go 1.09%
want 1.02%
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