1.   The first section to be built was the southern half.

2.   The swing to the Conservatives in the election was highest in the southern half of the country, lowest in the northern parts of the country and in Scotland.

3.   Almost all Beaujolais nouveau comes from the southern half of the region, where the soil is relatively poor.

4.   And Iraq is respecting the limits of an expanded no-flight zone over the southern half of the nation, the intelligence director said.

5.   ATF agent Mark Logan said workers were close to reaching the bottom of the southern half of the building where investigators found the bodies of the four men.

6.   A victory or a strong showing in the mostly Indian, mostly poor, often violent southern half of Mexico would give the party true national standing.

7.   Almost all of the southern half of the city had received some flooding, and there were pockets of flooding in the northern half of town, as well.

8.   Chief Allan Hoehl, a police commander for the southern half of Manhattan, has experienced both types of protests, and he obviously prefers cooperation.

9.   Conditions are similar throughout the soggy southern half of the Florida peninsula, where a year of unrelenting damp has exposed a moldy underside of the Sunshine State.

10.   During the height of the eruptions, government officials closed the southern half of the island to get residents away from the volcano.

a. + half >>共 214
second 46.34%
first 35.65%
the 2.93%
eastern 1.15%
western 0.93%
southern 0.72%
top 0.72%
northern 0.72%
entire 0.65%
last 0.62%
southern + n. >>共 598
state 9.66%
province 5.39%
city 5.31%
port 4.52%
region 4.15%
part 3.62%
town 3.38%
tip 1.81%
coast 1.80%
republic 1.64%
half 0.97%
每页显示:    共 136