1.   Many walkers, particularly Brits, prefer to start in the south, reaching the more spectacular northern half when acclimatised.

2.   Poor in the estuaries in the northern half of Morecambe Bay and not much prospect of improvement.

3.   The northern half of the city is generally poorer.

4.   An unusually strong jet stream stretching from Montana to the Northeast will propel several powerful disturbances across the northern half of the nation.

5.   And although Scotland does occupy the northern half of Great Britain, nobody would dub Scotland Northern Britain unless they were trying desperately to jump on the Britpop bandwagon.

6.   Around Atlanta and the northern half of Georgia, people were already taking stock of the damage, and homes were beginning to dry out.

7.   Around Atlanta and the northern half of Georgia people were already taking stock of the damage and homes were beginning to dry out.

8.   A series of surges of colder air will arrive over the northern half of the Rockies as well as the northern and central Plains.

9.   A sluggish storm off the Virginia Coast will combine with high pressure near Quebec City to circulate cool, moist air into the northern half of the Atlantic Seaboard.

10.   Almost all of the southern half of the city had received some flooding, and there were pockets of flooding in the northern half of town, as well.

a. + half >>共 214
second 46.34%
first 35.65%
the 2.93%
eastern 1.15%
western 0.93%
southern 0.72%
top 0.72%
northern 0.72%
entire 0.65%
last 0.62%
northern + n. >>共 393
alliance 10.37%
state 6.68%
part 5.65%
town 5.16%
city 5.03%
region 4.50%
border 3.03%
suburb 2.48%
province 2.41%
port 1.99%
half 1.20%
每页显示:    共 135