1.   Glover felt how the entire lower half of himself was beginning to go numb.

2.   We only got one corner in the entire first half.

3.   The brave Stewart, solid as ever at the back, played the entire second half with a bandaged head after a collision with an opponent.

4.   Fazisi is more complicated, almost the entire first half of the book is about the campaign, how it originated, how sponsors were found.

5.   And with the first team expected to play the entire first half, Gailey said he expects better results.

6.   At one point, she found herself with too many characters and had to rewrite the entire first half.

7.   Both played on Sunday, with Rypien playing the entire second half.

8.   Brain-damaged children are actually able to recover some intellectual ground if the entire damaged half of the brain is surgically removed, researchers are finding.

9.   A pulled hamstring Sunday in the second quarter sidelined Phillips for the entire second half.

10.   A misstep, at that, because the senior bruised his left ankle and missed the entire second half.

a. + half >>共 214
second 46.34%
first 35.65%
the 2.93%
eastern 1.15%
western 0.93%
southern 0.72%
top 0.72%
northern 0.72%
entire 0.65%
last 0.62%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
half 0.66%
每页显示:    共 122