1.   But Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright ruled out sending in US troops.

2.   But the allies have ruled out sending ground troops into Kosovo until the fighting stops, largely to avoid political dissent at home.

3.   He all but ruled out sending in Marines to help take the city.

4.   Last week, NATO ruled out sending forces immediately but said it would consider deployment as an option.

5.   Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., urged the Clinton administration and NATO not to rule out sending soldiers to Kosovo.

6.   The two candidates sounded tough on ousting Iraqi President Saddam Hussein but ruled out sending U.S. troops to Yugoslavia to help topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic.

7.   At a deportation Monday hearing in Arlington, Va., the court ruled out sending her back to Iran because she could face persecution there, INS officials said.

8.   Franks said he would not rule out sending more soldiers into Afghanistan, but gave few details on how the fight is likely to progress.

9.   Greece has ruled out sending any ground forces to Afghanistan.

10.   In his proposal, Brahimi ruled out sending a formal U.N. peacekeeping force, but said a multinational force is an option.

v-ing sending >>共 134
consider 14.10%
begin 12.59%
stop 7.84%
start 6.51%
propose 3.34%
keep 3.25%
deny 3.17%
oppose 3.00%
rule_out 2.75%
suggest 2.42%
rule_out v-ing >>共 302
using 7.76%
taking 4.26%
running 2.90%
sending 2.81%
returning 2.73%
joining 2.39%
allowing 1.96%
holding 1.79%
seeking 1.79%
making 1.79%
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