1.   Most controversially, he has suggested sending a US peace envoy to Northern Ireland, a move which raises the hackles of many MPs.

2.   Arizona coach John Mackovic suggests sending sports missionaries around the world, similar to those who deal with other issues.

3.   A Latino youth suggested sending the evil spells back to the source.

4.   Cindy Hoffman of Media Mentors, a communications training company based in Philadelphia, suggests sending out detailed reports or charts to meeting participants before the conference begins.

5.   Edward Clark, who formerly supervised art theft investigations with the FBI, suggested sending photographs of the paintings to bureau investigators.

6.   Finally, a friend suggested sending it to British Screen, an organization that nurtures new talent by helping to underwrite films unlikely to attract sufficient commercial financing.

7.   He had another space, and I suggested sending a lawyer to set up a foundation.

8.   He suggests sending an actual paper card via Loveland, Colo.

9.   It suggests sending only one copy of the hoax message to your system administrator, who could then take further action.

10.   It does not suggest sending engraved invitations with RSVP at the bottom instead of subpoenas, or thank you notes to jurors and judges when their findings are favorable.

v-ing sending >>共 134
consider 14.10%
begin 12.59%
stop 7.84%
start 6.51%
propose 3.34%
keep 3.25%
deny 3.17%
oppose 3.00%
rule_out 2.75%
suggest 2.42%
suggest v-ing >>共 572
using 8.17%
putting 2.98%
making 2.22%
taking 1.75%
buying 1.37%
sending 1.37%
calling 1.32%
creating 1.32%
holding 1.28%
having 1.28%
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