1.   Because Major has not firmly and forever ruled out joining a common currency, that is the biggest single issue separating them.

2.   British Prime Minister Tony Blair has ruled out joining the single currency for at least the next five years and then only after a national referendum on the issue.

3.   But he refused to rule out joining one should it be formed, nor would he rule out leading it if chosen.

4.   He said that he would be happy to stay at TurnWorks but was not ruling out joining another company.

5.   His campaign did not rule out joining the cases if, as seems likely, they are appealed to the Florida Supreme Court.

6.   They want Prime Minister John Major to rule out joining, either during the term of the next Parliament or forever.

7.   An ultra-religious party said Monday that despite supporting Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu for prime minister, they would not rule out joining a Shimon Peres-led coalition.

8.   Barak, meanwhile, ruled out joining a Sharon-led government if the opposition Likud party head wins elections.

9.   California Gov. Pete Wilson plans to run, and Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has not ruled out joining the field.

10.   Germany argued diplomacy would be more effective in discouraging Iran from building atomic weapons, but said it would not rule out joining a U.S.-led economic embargo.

v-ing joining >>共 69
consider 25.16%
be 15.10%
rule_out 6.13%
discuss 3.28%
favor 3.06%
resist 3.06%
oppose 2.84%
support 2.41%
start 2.41%
mean 2.19%
rule_out v-ing >>共 302
using 7.76%
taking 4.26%
running 2.90%
sending 2.81%
returning 2.73%
joining 2.39%
allowing 1.96%
holding 1.79%
seeking 1.79%
making 1.79%
每页显示:    共 28