61.   Bain Capital is probably best known for one of its top executives, W. Mitt Romney.

62.   BankBoston probably knows more about Robertson Stephens Investment Management than any other possible suitor.

63.   Bill Haney, a book publisher in Troy, Mich., probably knows what Lerner means.

64.   Bobbie and her friends will probably never know what happened on the balcony that July night two years ago.

65.   A few men in his company said Gore was probably best known in Vietnam for his scathing impersonations of superior officers.

66.   A man who probably knows as much about Congress as anyone thinks that once the voting is out of the way the whole political atmosphere may change.

67.   A lot of people probably do not know what it means, he said.

68.   Actually, we probably all know, or have known, similar fools.

69.   After all, you probably know a lot about your employer.

70.   Burnett said besides the characters from the show, she probably is best known for the Mackie gowns worn to start the show.

d. + know >>共 283
never 7.06%
also 7.01%
immediately 6.13%
better 5.59%
well 5.47%
best 4.52%
now 4.48%
already 2.69%
not 2.62%
yet 2.44%
probably 0.99%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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