1.   Constance found him repulsive and she knew immediately that he was dangerous.

2.   Everyone knew immediately how serious the situation was.

3.   From her hushed and protective tone I knew immediately it was Michael.

4.   It was a ghoulish and, I knew immediately, untenable situation.

5.   It was distorted and blackened by the heat, but Charles knew immediately what it was.

6.   Lee turned to face Philip and Philip knew immediately what was going to happen.

7.   Some of the attackers were also killed and injured, but their number was not immediately known.

8.   When Della saw this gold chain, she knew immediately that it was right for Jim.

9.   When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that something was wrong.

10.   He knew almost immediately that someone was inside the house.

d. + know >>共 283
never 7.06%
also 7.01%
immediately 6.13%
better 5.59%
well 5.47%
best 4.52%
now 4.48%
already 2.69%
not 2.62%
yet 2.44%
immediately + v. >>共 721
know 9.18%
return 8.86%
reach 5.23%
confirm 4.03%
release 2.76%
begin 2.71%
comment 1.90%
serve 1.58%
report 1.50%
take 1.43%
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