51.   As you probably know, Germany has a very long history of art and music.

52.   As you probably know, the company is being acquired in an exchange of stock by America Online.

53.   As you probably know, the Sorting Hat assigned Harry to the Gryffindor house at Hogwarts.

54.   As you probably know, this is one of three Fidelity funds which uses a sophisticated computer analysis program to help select the portfolio.

55.   As you probably know, market timing is a difficult art, or perhaps a black science.

56.   As you probably know, these engines seek out pages that contain the search words you use.

57.   Asked if he could identify who was leading the campaign against him, Salinas suggested the press would probably know more than he.

58.   At least the natives in her hometown probably know who she is.

59.   As you probably know, a firewall helps keep intruders out of your computer.

60.   Authorities have said that the Zantops probably knew their killer or killers, and let them into their home.

d. + know >>共 283
never 7.06%
also 7.01%
immediately 6.13%
better 5.59%
well 5.47%
best 4.52%
now 4.48%
already 2.69%
not 2.62%
yet 2.44%
probably 0.99%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
每页显示:    共 352