91.   Along the borders, however, you will probably have to cut the crosspieces so they fit between the braces and the wall.

92.   Although he did not meet his wife in class, he says he probably would not have his family without changes he underwent as a result of Disciple.

93.   Although ATC will probably have faster earnings growth because of its small size, investors may want to stay with the more established company.

94.   Although imports surged, suggesting U.S. demand is still strong, some analysts said the report probably would have little impact on bonds.

95.   Although probably no one has as many shoes as Imelda Marcos, most women have closets filled with ill-fitting shoes.

96.   Although Switzerland has few murders, it probably has more than it should, given its overall extremely low crime rates.

97.   Although the scientists said the finding probably would not have an immediate therapeutic implication for AIDS patients, it has enormous potential for opening new research avenues.

98.   Although the U.N. Security Council has appealed to Tudjman to reverse his decision, U.N. officials here believe a withdrawal from Croatia will probably have to begin next month.

99.   Although the idea for the joint release of these two albums probably had more to do with coin counting than camaraderie, the marketing manipulation works.

d. + have >>共 277
also 18.35%
yet 11.36%
still 9.07%
now 4.46%
never 3.66%
already 2.75%
not 2.46%
just 2.25%
so 2.17%
where 1.83%
probably 1.38%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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