1.   After failing in a rebellion in the hill country, they settled at Delphoi, where they had old family friendships.

2.   As dissolution proceeds, a honeycomb texture May result, particularly where a mineral has near rectilinear cleavages.

3.   But where had his Glover genes come from if his father was in a sperm bank?

4.   Could I really stand to live in a society where men had all the privileges and women none?

5.   Do you think ours is an island where people have no interest in rights and constitutional questions, unlike elsewhere?

6.   Employee vacancies will not be filled except in cases where the position has a direct effect on public services.

7.   For example, Go Mental is a tic-tac-toe math game where you have to solve math problems to earn points.

8.   He pushes back his sleeve to show scars where I have vaccination Marks.

d. + have >>共 277
also 18.35%
yet 11.36%
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now 4.46%
never 3.66%
already 2.75%
not 2.46%
just 2.25%
so 2.17%
where 1.83%
where + v. >>共 759
be 13.86%
live 3.83%
have 3.82%
work 2.25%
meet 2.16%
go 2.08%
find 1.86%
come 1.76%
get 1.71%
say 1.38%
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