71.   Neither the pet food manufacturer nor the bank would disclose the number of pet owners who have signed up for the Purina MasterCard.

72.   Nepera, which is owned by Cambrex, of East Rutherford, N.J., also produces niacinamide, an ingredient in enriched foods and pet food.

73.   No wonder grocers are selling less and less pet food.

74.   No online peddlers of pet food or lipstick.

75.   Newly winnowed to its fast-growing pet food business, Ralston became a potential takeover target almost immediately.

76.   Now Iams, a Dayton, Ohio, pet food company, has agreed to partner with Travel Meals.

77.   Now that material has been diverted to chicken and pig feed and pet food.

78.   Now, Weise said, unprofitable accounts will be pruned, sluggish businesses like a line of pet foods will be sold, and capital expenditures are on hold.

79.   Pet foods that meet state and federal requirements must give a guaranteed chemical analysis of the food and must list ingredients in descending order of weight.

80.   Pet food advertising and labeling claims are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

a. + food >>共 920
good 2.32%
emergency 2.17%
pet 1.59%
modified 1.43%
free 1.41%
chinese 1.41%
processed 1.39%
fresh 1.38%
organic 1.35%
staple 1.33%
pet + n. >>共 428
owner 13.05%
food 9.62%
project 8.24%
store 5.96%
shop 5.19%
dog 3.33%
cat 2.10%
scan 1.72%
supply 1.67%
lover 1.48%
每页显示:    共 201