91.   Rendering is the processing of animal carcasses and tissue to create everything from tallow to pet food to animal feed and feed supplements.

92.   Price is also an issue for the farmers and ranchers whose crops and livestock provide the raw materials for the pet food.

93.   Samples of pet food from New York-based Naturally Raw Pet Foods.

94.   Sales of its Hills pet food business also will continue to be affected by the change to an in-house sales force from independent distributors.

95.   Sales representatives told the company they thought customers wanted more silver jewelry, more bath and beauty products, even pet food bowls.

96.   Shareables, for Me and My Pal, were distributed by Petsmart of Phoenix, Ariz., a national pet food and products retailer.

97.   Sheep tissue continues to be used in feed for non-ruminant livestock, such as pigs, and for pet food.

98.   She thinks the company must expand geographically or into related fields, like pet food, if it is to succeed.

99.   St. Louis stocks traded higher today, led by pet food producer Ralston-Purina Group and May Department Stores Co.

100.   Table scraps, junk food and soft pet foods can send your pet to the veterinary dentist with problems such as severe periodontal disease and cavities.

a. + food >>共 920
good 2.32%
emergency 2.17%
pet 1.59%
modified 1.43%
free 1.41%
chinese 1.41%
processed 1.39%
fresh 1.38%
organic 1.35%
staple 1.33%
pet + n. >>共 428
owner 13.05%
food 9.62%
project 8.24%
store 5.96%
shop 5.19%
dog 3.33%
cat 2.10%
scan 1.72%
supply 1.67%
lover 1.48%
每页显示:    共 201