1.   Read in studio A pet lover with a passion for hamsters has let the furry creatures take over her terraced house.

2.   A pet lover with a passion for hamsters has let the furry creatures take over her terraced house.

3.   Another result was that pet lovers began angrily calling the Arizona Humane Society demanding an explanation.

4.   A back-to-nature movement among pet lovers has created another expanding market for animal byproducts.

5.   All sorts of lawyers, from pet lovers to budding entrepreneurs, say they are drawn to animal law.

6.   But if pet lovers demand it, you know someone out there will one day offer it.

7.   But unlike the case with livestock, cat cloning offers the first opportunity for pet lovers with deep enough pockets to re-create beloved companions.

8.   Each of these sites contains many amusing diversions for pet lovers.

9.   It happens to all pet lovers when Buster or Boots starts getting gray around the muzzle.

10.   It is also considering a new tier of higher-priced care for well-heeled pet lovers.

a. + lover >>共 391
animal 10.73%
former 8.88%
young 7.34%
wine 4.52%
new 2.58%
pet 2.50%
jilted 2.34%
star-crossed 1.94%
great 1.45%
male 1.37%
pet + n. >>共 428
owner 13.05%
food 9.62%
project 8.24%
store 5.96%
shop 5.19%
dog 3.33%
cat 2.10%
scan 1.72%
supply 1.67%
lover 1.48%
每页显示:    共 31