1.   While I was choosing it, the kids vanished into a nearby pet store where they discovered a nice little iguana.

2.   The cacophony of a pet store full of animals.

3.   He works as a clerk in a local pet store.

4.   SNEAK thieves who raided a Darlington pet store could find themselves shopped by a parrot.

5.   Although no figures exist on the number of lizards kept as pets, pet store owners and breeders said demand exploded about five years ago.

6.   And a number of pet stores now feature exotic snakes and lizards, many of them imported after being captured in the wild.

7.   And besides, he says, the ones from the pet store always die.

8.   And pet stores commonly feature exotic pets such as Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs and tropical fish and reptiles.

9.   Anytime I ask for them in a pet store, the staff is horrified by the concept.

10.   At the pet store, the owner, Tim Jandebeur, was doing his best to reassure anxious customers.

a. + store >>共 978
video 7.41%
new 7.17%
clothing 4.46%
local 4.08%
record 3.79%
online 2.45%
small 2.42%
first 2.23%
pet 2.14%
large 1.42%
pet + n. >>共 428
owner 13.05%
food 9.62%
project 8.24%
store 5.96%
shop 5.19%
dog 3.33%
cat 2.10%
scan 1.72%
supply 1.67%
lover 1.48%
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