1.   But as organic farming burgeons, so greater controls on the use of the word are to be introduced.

2.   In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming.

3.   It is now open to the public as a prize example of how well organic farming can function.

4.   Organic farming frequently encounters such philosophical problems.

5.   Organic farming is no longer thought of as cranky.

6.   Several farmers in the county have moved to organic farming recently.

7.   Some farmers are likely to achieve this by converting to organic farming.

8.   The most popular method or organic farming is using a multi-culture system in which crops are grown and livestock reared.

9.   These groups believe that both the Set Aside and Beef Extensification schemes could go one step further and encourage organic farming.

10.   Wilkins is now extollingthe virtues of organic farming.

a. + farming >>共 182
organic 19.45%
intensive 5.69%
dairy 3.67%
collective 3.12%
commercial 2.94%
modern 2.94%
precision 2.57%
corporate 2.39%
large-scale 2.39%
family 2.39%
organic + n. >>共 419
matter 9.06%
food 7.79%
material 5.34%
farming 4.80%
compound 4.66%
farmer 4.21%
produce 2.72%
molecule 2.72%
farm 2.36%
chemical 1.72%
每页显示:    共 105