1.   A well-run organic farm could hold many times that number.

2.   By exterminating farm animals, the option of small organic farms is eroded.

3.   For a crash course on the subject, consider subscribing to an organic farm with a delivery service in your area.

4.   Organic farms can be as productive as industrial farming.

5.   Synthetic fertilisers are banned on organic farms.

6.   Organic farms can be as productive as industrial farming and do not damage the environment.

7.   The prime culprit is organic farm waste, such as cattle slurry and silage, and even milk.

a. + farm >>共 815
family 8.76%
small 5.32%
white-owned 3.71%
state 2.69%
new 2.31%
local 2.12%
large 2.10%
federal 2.04%
chicken 1.80%
communal 1.56%
organic 1.40%
organic + n. >>共 419
matter 9.06%
food 7.79%
material 5.34%
farming 4.80%
compound 4.66%
farmer 4.21%
produce 2.72%
molecule 2.72%
farm 2.36%
chemical 1.72%
每页显示:    共 52