1.   And they also believe that would-be organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.

2.   Organic farmers build up soil fertility by crop rotation.

3.   The chances of this working are close to zero, leaving organic farmers without their biological weapon of last resort.

4.   Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.

5.   Organic farmers said the report represented no new findings.

6.   Offering incentives to organic farmers to produce food using environmentally-friendly methods for which there is a growing demand makes so much more sense.

7.   Harriet Ryley has been talking to an organic farmer who believes in putting the environment before profits.

8.   The price of organic food can only come down with bigger subsidies to organic farmers.

a. + farmer >>共 726
local 6.49%
dairy 6.33%
white 6.30%
small 4.89%
poor 4.63%
american 3.22%
black 2.27%
organic 2.16%
family 1.71%
french 1.67%
organic + n. >>共 419
matter 9.06%
food 7.79%
material 5.34%
farming 4.80%
compound 4.66%
farmer 4.21%
produce 2.72%
molecule 2.72%
farm 2.36%
chemical 1.72%
每页显示:    共 92