1.   And that can only mean more delays.

2.   Buying a size larger just because the shoes feel too tight only means a narrow shoe that slips off!

3.   It will only mean trouble.

4.   However, the most satisfactory response could only mean a major thrust coordinated at national level.

5.   Temporary leaflet only means of supplying essential information.

6.   They can only mean the magic word - Connie!

7.   This can only mean that, at the time, the idea of a twin was perfectly acceptable to devout Christians.

8.   When alkaline phosphatase was included in the analysis instead of bilirubin, only mean corpusculor volume and hypoalbuminaemia showed a significant association with laminin.

9.   Erades, for example, observes that while the sentence with the bare infinitive can only mean one thing, viz.

10.   We still need the Batty money for this, and future years accounts.

d. + mean >>共 446
also 22.70%
necessarily 5.78%
really 5.64%
usually 4.62%
probably 3.07%
more 2.66%
often 2.64%
only 2.47%
never 2.23%
just 2.09%
only + v. >>共 924
be 5.28%
have 4.49%
make 2.64%
get 2.18%
take 1.49%
see 1.40%
go 1.24%
begin 1.18%
find 1.18%
hope 1.16%
mean 0.33%
每页显示:    共 173