1.   Although power is widely spread it does not necessarily mean that it is evenly spread between all groups.

2.   But, of course, writing something into a constitution does not necessarily mean that it will be honoured in practice.

3.   Finding a lump does not necessarily mean you have cancer.

4.   In any case, for the dependency theorists, development did not necessarily mean Western-style industrialisation.

5.   Negative reinforcement does not necessarily mean the threat of physical punishment.

6.   The integration of Johnson Brothers will not necessarily mean the closure of the offices at Hanley.

7.   This does not necessarily mean paying out a lot of money for several totally new changes of clothes.

8.   This does not necessarily mean sick animals - many are perfectly healthy, just unwanted.

9.   This does not necessarily mean that the cholesterol is the cause, or certainly not the sole cause, of heart attacks.

10.   This does not necessarily mean you have to go to the extent of bringing in high-power floodlights together with their attendant supply-cables.

d. + mean >>共 446
also 22.70%
necessarily 5.78%
really 5.64%
usually 4.62%
probably 3.07%
more 2.66%
often 2.64%
only 2.47%
never 2.23%
just 2.09%
necessarily + v. >>共 695
mean 12.30%
be 10.97%
have 3.57%
make 2.48%
translate 1.81%
lead 1.81%
imply 1.06%
go 0.97%
do 0.94%
want 0.94%
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