1.   Kids who used to play baseball are now playing basketball.

2.   More importantly, this interaction is now playing a crucial part in excluding the underclass from the mainstream of society.

3.   Mr Kasyanov seems now to be playing for time, hoping to get through January without ferocious clashes with creditors.

4.   Now they play music videos and comedy clips.

5.   The children will now play some pieces that they composed themselves.

6.   Women were now playing with the ferocity, commitment and sheer athleticism once associated only with men.

7.   Can I go out to play now?

8.   She used to be a shortstop but now she plays center field.

9.   He used to be a catcher, but now he plays first base.

10.   The Astronomer Royal, who ought to know, tells me that the earth is round.

d. + play >>共 500
also 10.63%
well 6.18%
never 3.95%
again 3.50%
still 3.17%
hard 2.83%
now 2.73%
how 2.69%
better 2.36%
when 2.26%
now + v. >>共 862
be 15.90%
have 5.49%
do 1.66%
live 1.61%
know 1.53%
come 1.37%
go 1.35%
want 1.16%
face 1.12%
work 1.10%
play 0.71%
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