21.   The unanimous vote comes after weeks of intense campaigning by local and national minority and education leaders to persuade the committee not to appeal.

22.   The US Embassy said Wu and his lawyers have decided not to appeal the verdict.

23.   The written judgment by Senior District Judge Richard Magnus was released today after Leeson decided not to appeal the sentence.

24.   U.S. Embassy spokesman Robert Laing said Wu and his lawyers have decided not to appeal.

25.   Under terms of the agreement in Indiana, Tyson agreed not to appeal his Maryland sentence.

26.   White House aides said the president chose not to appeal directly to the refugees to surrender their own hatreds of the Serbs when they return to their homes.

27.   Peugeot decided not to appeal.

28.   Prosecutors decided after a review of the law on Thursday night not to appeal the mistrial, she said.

29.   Bissey told a court last week that he had decided not to appeal his conviction.

30.   Five chose not to appeal their suspended sentences.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
not + v. >>共 860
be 12.85%
do 7.56%
have 4.06%
mention 2.22%
take 1.82%
make 1.46%
will 1.39%
say 1.34%
go 1.20%
know 1.20%
appeal 0.07%
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