1.   Drizzle reduced pan juices over and serve immediately.

2.   Fold the omelette over, slide it onto a plate, and serve immediately.

3.   Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.

4.   Pour the Quorn mixture over the cooked rice and serve immediately.

5.   Reheat, pour over duck legs, and serve immediately.

6.   Scatter the rest of the Parmesan all over and serve immediately.

7.   Serve immediately, spooning sauce over scaloppine.

8.   Serve immediately, sprinkled with sesame seeds if desired.

9.   Sprinkle pine nut mixture over and serve immediately.

d. + serve >>共 495
also 22.14%
well 4.18%
now 4.12%
immediately 4.05%
where 3.79%
only 3.71%
better 3.57%
already 3.25%
best 2.17%
still 2.13%
immediately + v. >>共 721
know 9.18%
return 8.86%
reach 5.23%
confirm 4.03%
release 2.76%
begin 2.71%
comment 1.90%
serve 1.58%
report 1.50%
take 1.43%
每页显示:    共 377