1.   Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately.

2.   The patient should be advised to report immediately the occurrence of easy bruising, pallor, persistent sore throat, or fever.

3.   The theft of the jewelry and other valuables was immediately reported to the police.

4.   An autopsy was performed Monday afternoon, but the results were not immediately reported.

5.   Another provision would prohibit insurers from denying payment for medically necessary emergency services because the claim was not reported immediately.

6.   As you know, our current policy is that any allegation is immediately reported to the proper public authority.

7.   Boston Scientific discovered the fraud when installing a new information management system at the Japanese unit and immediately reported the fraudulent activity to the SEC.

8.   But, I presume, if in the midst of the liaison, she starts asking about the thickness of the walls at Hoover Dam, report her immediately.

9.   Edwards said he immediately reported the mustard-gas detection to his superiors in the camp.

10.   Ensch said the chief petty officer had immediately reported the conversation to his superiors, who undertook the inquiry.

d. + report >>共 270
also 33.27%
first 9.36%
today 3.54%
immediately 3.23%
earlier 3.11%
here 2.85%
widely 2.71%
initially 1.65%
previously 1.62%
never 1.49%
immediately + v. >>共 721
know 9.18%
return 8.86%
reach 5.23%
confirm 4.03%
release 2.76%
begin 2.71%
comment 1.90%
serve 1.58%
report 1.50%
take 1.43%
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