51.   The pro-ballot side promised to appeal immediately.

52.   Volkers said Wednesday that he will immediately appeal the ban and said he hopes to continue coaching Riley and his other swimmers.

53.   While Pinochet won a High Court ruling that quashed his arrest, the case was immediately appealed to the House of Lords.

54.   He said he was one of the defendants in the case and if the verdict went against the opposition, they would immediately appeal to a higher court.

55.   In a statement faxed to news media, Hankyoreh said that it would immediately appeal against the case, adding that it still stood by the controversial story.

56.   Ahmed, the only defendent present, said they would immediately appeal to the Supreme Court seeking an immediate stay of the verdict.

57.   Ahmed, a parliamentary leader of the opposition Jatiya Party, said if the verdict went against the opposition, it would immediately appeal to a higher court.

58.   Ahmed, the only defendent present, said they would immediately appeal to a higher court seeking an immediate stay of the verdict.

59.   Dani and his lawyer, Duni Rubayati, immediately appealed the sentence.

60.   Emmanuelli had immediately appealed the indictment.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
immediately + v. >>共 721
know 9.18%
return 8.86%
reach 5.23%
confirm 4.03%
release 2.76%
begin 2.71%
comment 1.90%
serve 1.58%
report 1.50%
take 1.43%
appeal 0.27%
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