1.   Free safety Merton Hanks will look for more big plays in the second half of the season.

2.   Also in the fourth quarter, a crunching tackle by free safety Shaun Williams knocked Rams running back Marshall Faulk out of the game with a knee injury.

3.   Although Westbrook is a fine cornerback, NFL scouts like his hitting ability, which projects him as a great free safety.

4.   And if none of them can do it, perhaps the Patriots will have Lawyer Milloy play free safety and move Tebucky Jones to strong safety.

5.   And free safety Kevin Williams, who began last season as a rookie starter, was also benched and will now try playing cornerback.

6.   And for the secondary, he acquired Titans stalwart free safety Marcus Robertson.

7.   And is it possible Bradford will change positions and displace Pro Bowl free safety Eugene Robinson?

8.   And that rating was attained before two more defensive starters, strong safety Brian Bender and free safety Shahib White, left with injuries.

9.   And the Giants also had Percy Ellsworth, another natural free safety.

10.   And Ron Carpenter, who became the free safety, now is out for a few weeks with a groin injury.

a. + safety >>共 804
public 12.62%
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strong 7.96%
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starting 1.19%
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free + n. >>共 1035
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safety 3.49%
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