1.   A trussed roof prevents free movement around the loft, as there are many timbers to climb over or through.

2.   The legislation will allow the free movement of goods through all the countries in Europe.

3.   The theory of free movement Traditional economic theory suggests that there are benefits to be reaped from creating free movement.

4.   There are barriers to a free movement of people from areas of high to low population pressure.

5.   This computer program assures the free movement of facts, figures, and text between files.

6.   This, of course, is essential for free movement to take place.

7.   Travel means the free movement of people across boundaries.

a. + movement >>共 758
civil_rights 4.54%
islamic 4.35%
separatist 3.50%
political 2.89%
free 2.79%
olympic 2.25%
fundamentalist 1.70%
militant 1.67%
radical 1.53%
new 1.52%
free + n. >>共 1035
market 7.36%
time 4.30%
safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
每页显示:    共 300