1.   A democratic, parliamentary system of government has been set up with free elections at least once every five years.

2.   All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform.

3.   And most of the former Warsaw Pact nations have trouble Deciding if they want either free elections or free Markets.

4.   And the new genre of populist politicians will have to deliver far more than free elections.

5.   But for now persuasion, carrots and free elections remain the best hope.

6.   But what constitutes a free election?

7.   In most of these countries, the advances came in the form of free elections or a peaceful transfer of power.

8.   It envisaged the disarming of all the Kampuchean factions and the creation of a neutral interim administration to organise free elections.

9.   Other leaders urged him to listen to the voice of conscience and hold free elections.

10.   The Bonn government said the resignation was insufficient and free elections must follow.

a. + election >>共 447
presidential 16.69%
new 6.95%
parliamentary 6.78%
early 5.01%
local 4.33%
national 4.31%
legislative 2.83%
next 2.64%
municipal 2.13%
upcoming 1.92%
free 1.26%
free + n. >>共 1035
market 7.36%
time 4.30%
safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
每页显示:    共 375