41.   Like free food, spring flowers, and funny jokes, homers are good.

42.   Many casinos serve free food and drink to guests, whether or not they gamble.

43.   McCoy was given free food by the Staniotes brothers occasionally.

44.   Most camps have been around for more than a year or two, so only a few, like Shamshatoo, still distribute free food.

45.   No free food.

46.   Now the same folks are offering free food as the incentive.

47.   One thing most in the community believe in is the concept of free food.

48.   One was that the Hare Krishnas gave you free food.

49.   Palacio declined the free food, but got a good laugh and an even better story.

50.   Other villagers must supplement the free food with their own supplies, however they can.

a. + food >>共 920
good 2.32%
emergency 2.17%
pet 1.59%
modified 1.43%
free 1.41%
chinese 1.41%
processed 1.39%
fresh 1.38%
organic 1.35%
staple 1.33%
free + n. >>共 1035
market 7.36%
time 4.30%
safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
food 1.13%
每页显示:    共 178