91.   Hu did not say if more serious sanctions were being considered.

92.   In other reactions, Malaysian International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz said his country was also considering trade sanctions against Nigeria.

93.   As an opener, the UN Security Council could impose a deadline after which sanctions would be considered, the officials added.

94.   Asked whether Washington would consider sanctions against countries that support Mugabe, Boucher demurred.

95.   Britain also said on Tuesday it was considering targeted sanctions against Mugabe.

96.   The report sparked an immediate outcry in the international community, which has been considering slapping sanctions on Pyongyang to gain compliance about its nuclear program.

97.   The Russian minister asked Monday for another ministerial-level meeting of the contact group to consider easing sanctions against Serbia.

98.   The United States previously has indicated it would consider sanctions if Samper was cleared.

99.   The US administration had temporarily frozen credits from the Export-Import Bank while it considers sanctions for Chinese exports of nuclear technology to Pakistan.

100.   The US Senate is also considering sanctions against the regime in Lagos.

v. + sanction >>共 408
impose 20.74%
lift 19.12%
ease 3.81%
face 3.39%
threaten 3.22%
maintain 2.17%
suspend 2.14%
end 1.85%
violate 1.52%
consider 1.50%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
sanction 0.79%
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