61.   The people on the sidewalk clapped and then went away.

62.   The sappers who had been involved in the preparation work could then go forward to see the devastation caused by the explosives.

63.   The three women worked together on a stage play, and then each went off to do her own thing.

64.   They ate lunch in a shady restaurant and then Leary went back to his flower-hung villa.

65.   They began their holiday in Italy, and then went on to Greece.

66.   They have left, believing they could do better for themselves elsewhere, and then having gone they dream always of returning.

67.   They have this experience, and then they can go camping on their own.

68.   They look startled at first to see me, a gaijin, but then go about their business.

69.   They showed the tapes to leaders of the Managua deaf community, who then went to meet with Los Pipitos.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
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just 3.74%
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well 3.38%
now 3.12%
so 2.97%
where 2.82%
still 2.77%
when 2.43%
then + v. >>共 1153
be 7.72%
go 2.80%
have 2.38%
take 1.94%
come 1.56%
make 1.15%
move 1.02%
use 0.99%
turn 0.99%
return 0.98%
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