1.   A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.

2.   And then I was using it more or less daily for years ....

3.   Both men amassed vast fortunes, which they then used to create new political movements as vehicles for their own ambitions.

4.   I then used one hook for each ship, and tied all the ropes together at one end.

5.   If pastrami is too strong a flavour for your taste, then use roast beef or ham instead.

6.   If your subject to these irrational fears, then use that fear as a trigger to change your attitude.

7.   It is a simple extension of that approach to then use methods to invoke pieces of procedure and function.

8.   Objects and fantasy are then used not as a means of venturing out, but to beat a retreat.

9.   Postal questionnaires were then used to seek the views of local general practitioners and the child psychiatrists working in the Northern region.

10.   Some method is then used to derive the syntactic representation for the derivative form from combining the root form and the affix.

d. + use >>共 427
also 15.92%
how 4.58%
often 4.52%
now 3.42%
never 3.31%
widely 3.25%
not 3.17%
still 2.89%
then 2.32%
only 2.04%
then + v. >>共 1153
be 7.72%
go 2.80%
have 2.38%
take 1.94%
come 1.56%
make 1.15%
move 1.02%
use 0.99%
turn 0.99%
return 0.98%
每页显示:    共 672