61.   And Giuliani made clear that he was not about to go yet.

62.   And Greenspan made clear that it would be hard to decide quickly which alternative was actually occurring.

63.   And he has made clear that he is ready to rumble with President Clinton over a budget compromise.

64.   And he made clear that Israel should maintain a military edge over its neighbors.

65.   And he made clear that once the Taliban was defeated and al-Qaida terrorists rooted out, the American military role would end.

66.   And my little odyssey also made clear that the scourges will always be with us.

67.   And in comments to reporters, Bradley made clear that his performance on Wednesday was a signal that he was coming out fighting.

68.   And reporting about hundreds of anthrax scares across the country did not always make clear that most were a result of hoaxes or misplaced fears.

69.   And the agency made clear that it would watch similar deals for possible antitrust violations.

70.   And Shas politicians made clear that if an effort was made to address their remaining concerns, their resignations could well be withdrawn.

d. + make >>共 408
also 17.17%
never 4.60%
how 3.42%
clear 3.11%
only 2.98%
just 2.71%
already 2.59%
still 2.56%
not 2.47%
now 1.94%
clear + v. >>共 106
make 72.19%
steer 10.73%
be 4.48%
run 1.31%
become 1.21%
come 0.76%
seem 0.60%
pull 0.40%
punch 0.40%
throw 0.40%
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