41.   Although some new aid may be announced, international financiers have made clear their belief that more belt-tightening, not debt cancellation, is the cure.

42.   American public opinion will then make clear whether he can remain commander in chief, or should step down for Vice President Gore.

43.   Americans also made clear that they do not expect any president to be a model of rectitude.

44.   American intervention, the study makes clear, is anything but a guarantee of success in turning an important corner.

45.   An afternoon with Koss makes clear how right Hagen is.

46.   And as these two grills made clear, some sear food better than others.

47.   An independent court would undermine this confidence by divorcing the quest for justice from efforts to secure peace, making clear that justice is not a bargaining chip.

48.   And congressional leaders have made clear that they would look skeptically at any arrangement other than a NATO-led operation.

49.   An emergency meeting of NATO ambassadors in Brussels made clear that the alliance wants the U.N. soldiers to remain in Bosnia nonetheless, though in a different configuration.

50.   And he made clear that he will continue to portray Gore as irreparably tainted by scandal and an integrity deficit, and as ultimately unelectable in November.

d. + make >>共 408
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clear + v. >>共 106
make 72.19%
steer 10.73%
be 4.48%
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