21.   He then goes on to outline some examples for the primary school curriculum.

22.   He then went into research in tropical medicine.

23.   He then went off, leaving his rival to starve to death.

24.   He then went to live with his paternal grandparents, who died of natural causes soon after his placement with them.

25.   He then went to look at some property left to the council by a benefactor, an old grain warehouse.

26.   He walked into the house, growled a few words at my mother and then went upstairs to bed.

27.   Her plan is to finish her degree and then go and teach in Japan.

28.   I dressed and then went to my suitcase, searching for an old, black veil.

29.   I got up, rekindled the fire, and then went back to bed and slept until seven.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
then 4.20%
just 3.74%
never 3.43%
well 3.38%
now 3.12%
so 2.97%
where 2.82%
still 2.77%
when 2.43%
then + v. >>共 1153
be 7.72%
go 2.80%
have 2.38%
take 1.94%
come 1.56%
make 1.15%
move 1.02%
use 0.99%
turn 0.99%
return 0.98%
每页显示:    共 1906